Saturday 10 August 2013

You Won't Believe What We Saw in Oslo Yesterday (post by Addie and Bram)

Yesterday, our dad was at an all-day meeting. We decided we should visit the Reptile Museum since our dad wouldn't mind missing that.

On our way there, we met a woman who needed help. We gave her our map and pointed her in the right direction. Then we kept walking until we got to the museum. 

It was worth the walk. The museum is great! We saw a crocodile. Did you know that a crocodile has three sets of eyelids? We saw the crocodile close each set one at a time. Cool! 

We saw a lot of different poisonous frogs. Some were bright blue, some had yellow and red stripes, some were black and yellow-green. They looked cute. There was also a Vietnamese tree frog. We think it has very good camouflage. Can you see it? It is endangered, though, because it is losing its habitat.

We also saw different kinds of lizards and turtles. And we saw a lot of snakes. We each touched a snake that one of the workers was holding. The skin felt warm and like leather. Here's a photo.

Our favorite animals were a green iguana and a marmoset.They live together even though they are very different from each other. But the amazing thing is that every now and then, the little marmoset would climb on the back of the big iguana and rub its face all over the iguana's back. The iguana didn't seem to mind at all!

The people who run the museum do not know why the marmoset does this. We read that the marmoset likes to mark to show what areas belong to him. We wonder if he is marking the iguana to make sure visitors know he considers it his. 

If you visit Oslo, you should see this museum!

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