Saturday 10 August 2013

"I'm Lovin' It!"

We all got up very early the other day to get a good place in line at the Central Police Station to make appointments for Addie, Bram and me to get fingerprinted and photographed, all part of getting residency cards. The process is unduly involved, requiring multiple trips to this particular police station, which is a 30 minute walk from where we live. It has afforded us insights into the experiences of newly arrived immigrants, most of whom seem to hail from somewhere in Asia or Africa or Poland. Unfortunately, it has also shown us that bureaucrats in the Politi in Norway range from unhelpful to snide and misleading. 

After this particular visit, I really wanted a stiff drink. But it was only 8: 45 a.m., so I settled for a coffee and a donut. I love the latter and hadn't had one in ages. The problem was: where to find one in Oslo? We had only seen one kind--a huge spiral pastry with a large blob of yellowy cream in the middle and sprinkled in coconut. Not appetizing.

We happened to walk by a McDonald's and decided to poke our heads inside. We stayed because of the decor. Take a look.

Then we discovered that they have donuts! Too exciting! Okay, they didn't taste quite like donuts in the U.S. These were more like circles of spice cake. But still, they went quite nicely with a cup of coffee (which tasted pretty much like Mickey D's coffee). 

Total price for 4: 60 K ($10 USD).

We are scheduled to go back to the Politi Central Stasjon first thing in the morning on 23 August and then then we will be done with the paperwork portion of our adventures in Oslo.

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