Sunday 28 July 2013

Oslo's Way-Cool Opera House

The opera house sits on the water, across a highway from Oslo Sentralstasjon. It is stunning in its modernism and use of white. The roof angles sharply downward, and then levels out to merge with the water.

These angled glass windows sit to either side of the entrance.

 Here are some shots of the interior which is open, cool and spacious. Some Norwegians have grumbled about it being "too bright." I loved it and would imagine that the brightness is a plus during the long grey winters here.


Below is a shot of  the outside of the auditorium, which is oak.

Back outside the building, we followed the crowd and climbed up the steep roof. This is allowed (but not advisable in winter, when the roof is icy.)

Resting part way up.

The view from the top.
You can see here that some people actually lie on the roof's "beach" and sun themselves.

Looking back from the skyway.

After this visit, we decided we want to attend a performance. The consensus choice was Notteknekkeren (The Nutcracker Suite), and we just got tickets for mid-December. 
Can't wait!

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